Wednesday, March 29, 2006


A Motivational Moment for Misguided Masters & Mutts

By Hugo Hotagen, DDD (Duke of Doorknobs & Doghouses), a loyal lapdog-in-training apprenticed to the affable, agnostic and all-round air-headed Court of the Quipping Queen.

Here is some zany advice from "Zelda" to commemorate "The Year of the Dog":

"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things."

"If you want to be Top-Dog, you've got to get off the porch."

"When you're in deep water the best thing to do is shut your mouth."


For those who need a little tough but tender truism today from a top-dog ... just tune into Zelda Wisdom.

Created by Carol Gardner, the "Zeldom Wisdom" GGGRRRUUUFFF greeting card line and merry mutt merchandise, is certain a well-deserved bark of distinction"!