Monday, March 20, 2006


A Motivational Moment for Misguided Masters & Mutts

By Hugo Hotagen, DDD (Duke of Doorknobs & Doghouses), a loyal lapdog-in-training apprenticed to the affable, agnostic and all-round air-headed Court of the Quipping Queen.

Here are a few quintessenial pieces of pooch wisdom in honor of the "Year of the Dog":

Five things I learned from my dog:

1. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

2. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you've had enough.

3. If what you want lies buried, dig deep until you find it!

4. Run, romp and wiggle your tail daily.

5. Never pass up the opportunity for a joy ride.


By the way, here's a great source of pooch posters and scallywag signs to keep everyone begging for more!

And for basset-hound owners who need their own parking permit, try this one out!


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