Wednesday, February 01, 2006


A Motivational Moment for Misguided Masters & Mutts

Compiled by Hugo Hotagen, DDD (Duke of Doorknobs & Doghouses), a loyal lapdog-in-training apprenticed to the affable, agnostic and all-round air-headed Court of the Quipping Queen.

A quirky, quizzical and sometimes questionable quotidian quotation, in honor of the "Year of the Dog", follows herewith:

"To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant
popularity of dogs."

Attributed to: Aldous Huxley (English novelist, critic and satirist) in "Webster's Electronic Quotebase", ed. Keith Mohler, 1994.


If you're fascinated by Fidos and their owners, and want to learn more about canine consciousness and capabilities (i.e. dog intelligence), drop by the website of a well-known dog psychologist and doggone good author, Stanley Coren, Ph.D.