Or, what to do on a breathtakingly boring day...
Compiled by Lady Beatrice Blitterlees, in polite circles known as the Duchess of Dither, and Lord Earl Craboon, referred to as the Duke of Doorknobs, (a curious couple occupying a sandcastle somewhere in the Queendom of Quaffing & Quipping).
January is a rather bleak, blessedly boring, and some might even go so far as to say a dreadfully dull month.
On the other hand, peculiar people often find delight in all manner of things odd, peculiar, or downright strange. This is why we've spent a good deal of time tracking down some rather unique things to do to lighten one's sagging spirits at this time of year.
For those with short attention spans, tendencies to day dream frequently, or desires that extend beyond watching paint dry, we recommend participating in one of this month's unusual events:
13 Januay - Join the CFB Gagetown Medieval Anachronists' Club's January Feast (with a curry theme). Bring along some festive frippery, merry muskets, and saucy smiles to this ancient occasion being held at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in Oromocto, New Brunswick (Canada).
19-21 January - Trundle off to Ressurection Bay, Alaska for the annual Polar Bear Jumpoff and Ugly Fish Toss and while you're at it...why not freeze your posterior off at the parade, loose your concentration during the bed-making contest, gladhand your way around the goofy golf tournament or slide your way to success at the ice-bowling championship.
26-28 January - Hop across the pond to Port Lincoln, Australia and join lots of other slippery souls and try your hand at tuna tossing during Tunarama. PS Don't tell "Tony the Tuna" you're coming!
27-28 January - Get yourself in gear, along with 70 other oddballs, for the world famous Swamp Buggy Races held every year in Florida Sports Park's "Sippy Hole".
30 January - Haul out your bagpipes, whip up some haggis, and practice sitting on a thistle, because Scotland is beckoning you! More to the point, The Lerwick Up Helly Aa, Britain's bonfire festival features a torchlight parade, burning of a Viking galley, and a good deal of Scotch whisky flowing into the wee hours of the night!
And for those who like to putz about with nothing in particular to capture their fancy on their peculiar agenda, do drop by Dracula's Castle in Bucharest, Romania. (Note: The capital city in which this pugilistic palace is located was founded by one rather frightening fellow by the name of Vlad the Impaler in 1459. This charming chap later became the inspiration for Bram Stoker's blood-sucking vampire guessed it!)
Cheerio, pip pip, and tah tah from your tippling tour-guides.
For those who can't find enough curious, off-beat, or unusual places and things to do, why not pick up a copy of Eccentric America.
Labels: Jest-in-time, odd events, odd things to celebrate
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